Individuals: Beware of Higher Level of Identity Theft Cases
Filing one’s tax return each year can be stressful…and we’ve found an extra cause of stress this year in tax-return...
Oregon Breweries Deserve a Tip
The growth and influx of breweries around Oregon has reached staggering heights. Receiving national recognition, the Oregon brewer culture and...
Getting Information Ready for Tax Accountants Part II: Individuals
It happens every year around this time – “important tax documents” arrive in your mailbox or inbox, and you know...
Getting Information Ready for Tax Accountants Part I: Small Businesses
January again! The busiest time of year for many accountants and bookkeepers. There’s the general ledger to reconcile and close...
The 411 on the 1099-MISC
The New Year has arrived, and with it, the 1099-MISC filing season. Many small business owners and their accounting staff...
The Magic of Tax Planning!
As 2013 draws to an end, we at Perkins find ourselves with a few tax planning tricks up our sleeves...
Got Your Property Tax Bill? Are You Feeling Compressed?
It’s property tax assessment season, and, no, that headline is not a typo. Welcome to the time of year where...
Change is Coming, Are You Ready for It?
In December 2011, the IRS released new ground-changing rules aimed at the age-old debate about what is a repair versus...
Corporations: Beware “Corporate Records Service” Mailing!
Some of our clients are reporting that they have received a “2013 – Annual Records Solicitation Form” from Corporate Records...
Tax Simplicity
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” -Albert Einstein Not surprisingly, taxes…are…complicated!...
What the IRS Watches for When Your Payments Go Across the Border
In this fast-paced era dominated by ever-evolving technology, even a small business can find itself engaged in transactions with vendors...
Minimizing “Net Investment Income”
The Affordable Care Act established a new 3.8% surtax on “net investment income” that first applies in 2013. This tax...
Who Parachuted Over the Fiscal Cliff?
While in December we wrung our hands and played out Fiscal Cliff scenarios, to most taxpayers January’s compromise may have...
Did “Sleep-Deprived Octogenarians” drop the New Year’s Ball on You?
Maybe. Maybe not. Happy New Year… from Perkins & Co and from the US Congress. The House and Senate have...
Association for Accounting Marketing features Marcella Vail
“When you are getting too comfortable, it might be time to reevaluate the brand and look at the potential of...
Accounting for Startups, Meet the Startup features David Uslan
Meet the Startup asks David Uslan, lead of our High Tech and Emerging Growth Practice Group to share perspective on...